High-quality hypoallergenic kittens from a reputable breeder with years of experience.
All together, our family network has 7 cats. All are show quality cats, well bred, pedigreed Devon Rex. They are also our loving pets.
All our kittens are completely home raised, under foot, and so are ready for family life. We use NO cages except for transport. Dwayne is located in Oakland, Arkansas (near Mountain Home) and his sister is in Aurora, Illinois (near Chicago). Danielle is located in Lake St. Louis, Missouri (outside of Saint Louis, MO).
We show primarily in ACFA but also register in CFA. Our cattery is also registered in TICA and CCA. These associations each have great websites with lots of information about the breed and adopting kittens.
We keep the babies for eight weeks, then let the new parents know they can come out and visit. We prefer to keep them at least 16 weeks, so we can get them all their shots, except Rabies. Experienced owners can take them as early as twelve weeks if they want to, but then they must pay for some shots and accept the risk of extra vet bills.

The kittens, before delivery, are up to date with their vaccinations, are de-wormed (precautionary), are litter trained (accidents do happen) and weaned. My vet will examine every system he can and provide a report. We won't deliver a sick kitten.
Vaccination schedule: 2mos. -Standard 5 in 1 kitten shots for distemper, etc.;
4mos.-feline leukemia;
We do not believe it is healthy for the kitten to be spayed before 6-8 months so we do not allow that. We strongly discourage declawing or any surgical alteration. Alterations other than neutering, including: accidents; micro-chipping; tattooing, etc. will void all warranties.
We always will accept our kittens back, rather than have any go to the pound. Note that in your will, if it's helpful. These kittens are rare and expensive, they should be treated as highly valued and well cared for, family members. You should expect a new kitten to live for possibly over 9 to 14 years.
Because so many people buy these kittens due to allergies, we let you return a kitten for a full refund, within a week, for any reason. Most people who have a cat allergy will notice a problem in a day or two, if not right away. We want every one to be happy with the deal, so communicate any problem. We guarantee they are well bred, full blood Devon Rex, blood type A, Fe.L. free, parasite free, and free of any genetic problem. New owners are encouraged to satisfy themselves as to the kitten's health within the week. We can not pay for veterinary services once a kitten is sold, unless you intend to return the kitten, and then, only with prior approval.
Pet Kittens, and show alters, cost $900 (US) with the neuter agreement. $300 down holds your choice and is first come first served and not refundable. By sending your deposit you agree to all the terms in this offer. If you see any kittens you want, we encourage you to send your deposit via Paypal, as soon as you can decide. These kittens often sell out quickly. We take personal checks but they must clear first. Rush situations can be handled with cash at any US Bank Co. bank, Regions bank or Paypal (you pay any fees). You can come visit some weekend or pick from a picture. At about eight weeks, pay another $300 and arrange a visit if you'd like. Once full payment, the last $300 clears, delivery arrangements can be made.
Additional charges (~$150) are incurred when shipping common carrier. A vet's health certificate is required, and a carrier, plus you’ll have to buy the freight and insurance, all in advance. We ship only after they are at least 16 weeks old, and not through Winter weather.
Very reasonable, much more flexible, hand delivery is available within the greater midwest, all year.
You must have them neutered by 8 months of age, as part of the deal. We do not believe in altering kittens at an early age. We feel that they need their hormones to develop properly. When you send me a copy of the bill or other proof of neutering from the vet I will send you the kitten's registration papers. There is a small fee to the association for registration.
These kittens must be quartered to live entirely indoors and may need heated bedding or raised room temperatures, when you're away. They need some company. They need water available, all the time. You'll likely want to clip their claw points off, up to twice a month, and they need vetting at least annually. They also require regular feeding and a litter pan cleaned daily.
Breeder or Show kittens are $1800, and do not need to be altered. They go home with papers.